Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dun, Dun, Dun, Another One Bites the Dust!

Noah says that his tongue keeps slipping out now - he swears he can't help it!

Noah lost another tooth! We are so excited, not only because he's growing up, but because that means that we don't have to pay the dentist to pull them out. Noah had a crevice in the side of one of his molars that we stopped and had the dentist fill the other day. While we were there, I asked about his front teeth because I could see the new/permanent teeth coming in. He told Noah that he had to get them out and had three weeks to do it or he would have to come back in to get them pulled. He was concerned that the new teeth would alter their course with the old ones still in the way. We told Noah that if he could get them out within two weeks we would buy him a toy. We figured a few dollars on a toy was much cheaper and much less traumatic than a double tooth pulling at the dentist. Noah now has a new Transformer toy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Noah! You're going to lose the teeth anyway, may as well get some cool toys in the process...