Thursday, April 26, 2007

"Mtn. Sonwy"

Yeah, yeah, give the kid a break, he's still learning how to spell so Mtn. Snowy had a couple of letters transposed. Noah saw a picture/plan for a cable car and then made his own. He did a great job. He even found an old white something to drape over the chair to make the chair "snowy." The poor Lego men on board the cable car got a few rides that, I am sure, they will never forget. He had fun building it and I had fun working around it for two and a half days. It finally met it's doom when the chair, I mean mountain, had a huge avalance and lost all of it's snow and in the process of the avalance the cable snapped. It was an incredible sight and I'm just so sorry that Noah, while he was at school, missed the whole experience. I am sure that our budding engineer will soon build something else.


Suz... said...

I SOO can not wait to see who/what this man will be/do when he grows up! Genius child!!

Anonymous said...

Stop! You're making my head hurt!!! He is SSSSOOOOOOOO much like his dad it's not funny! Noah, you have such a great mind!! Keep it up...