Thursday, August 30, 2007

Swim Lessons

Noah has a ton of fun in our swimming pool, Oliver does too but he stays on the ladder unless I go in with him. The pool is deeper than he is tall so the ladder is his safe haven. Noah decided that Oliver could use a couple of swim lessons. These were the best lessons that I've ever watched. Noah did great with Oliver and Oliver trusted big brother just like he should. Noah carried Oliver around the pool, spun him around, asked him to kick and then helped him float on his back. The only part that Oliver didn't do was get back onto the ladder when brother asked him to. Ollie wrapped those arms and legs of his around big brother so hard that there was no way the lesson was ending! The last picture is of Noah trying to get out.


Suz... said...

that last picture (well, all of them, really)--is the best!!! what a great big bro Ollie has!!!

Anonymous said...

What fun you guys are having! You look so happy! Noah, you look like you're a natural teacher- maybe you'll teach swimming when you get older...