Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Grade

Well, today is Noah's first day of first grade! I can't believe it really. He was a bit nervous starting the new year with a new teacher and a new schedule but once he is into the day I'm sure all will be fine. As you can see, Noah and his friend Cole, look a bit nervous out waiting for the bus. As soon as the bus was coming, Noah jumped up and was the first one on. He made sure that he gave us a quick wave as the bus headed for school. At one time I had expressed interest in home schooling Noah and some have asked why I don't or why I chose not to. The answer is that I do home school him...every single day. We have workbooks, we have projects and I take every opportunity that arises to "home school" Noah. Noah loves going to school. He loves the classroom atmosphere, he loves being with his friends, etc. Not to mention that the wonderful school that he is in has some pretty amazing programs that he can work into that I wouldn't be able to do or afford on my own. Why take that experience away from him when he thrives in it? So that is the short answer, we do both public education and home schooling. I will say that is has been a bit quiet this morning, I've usually diffused at least two arguments and/or wrestling matches by now. I wonder if the two of them will make up for it when he gets home from school?


Suz... said...

he did look nervous in that first picture. can't believe he's in first grade!!

M1 said...

I am so glad he is also getting his public/social education. You just cannot teach peer interaction
when there are none. To say nothing of the many programs the schools have to offer, like you mentioned. I have told you how many times of my complete social ineptness and naivet'e. But above all else, you are absolutely correct when you say you already home school!! It shows in manners and brains!!

Anonymous said...

First Grade! You are just growing up way too fast! Daddy teaching you algebra, and now first grade...How was your first day Noah? What's your new teachers name? Is she nice? Do you have friends from last year in your new class? I want to hear all about it!

Johnson Family said...

My first day was a little bit boring. Lots of instructions and stuff and not a lot of the fun stuff yet. My teachers name is Mrs. Voeller but mom can call her Jennifer if she wants. She is nice. Lots of friends, I sit at a table with Cole and Charlize and they were in Mrs. Kutch's class with me last year. They also ride my bus and live in my neighborhood. I ate hot lunch yesterday but I only ate the pizza, cookie and milk because the fruit looked funny. Love, Noah

Heather said...

First grade is the big time for sure. I'm sure he will totally rock it!