Friday, September 28, 2007

Sorry Baby Binky's Gone Bye-Bye

I don't know if I could count how many times I've said, "Sorry baby, binky's gone bye-bye" in the last three days. Nothing like a little bit of self inflicted torture to finish off your week. Oliver is/was extremely attached to his binkies. He always did like to have something in his mouth so it's no surprise to me that this became a great source of comfort for him. To be honest, I could have let the kid go on with his binky habit but I TRY to parent as a team so we took it away. When he got up on Wednesday he was told that it went bye-bye which was quickly followed by sobs and pleas for said item. The rest of morning was spent in one of three ways, the sobbing cries, him trying to take his anger out on me or destroying/getting into things he shouldn't have been. He went down for his nap with the reminder that he would have to figure out a different way to get himself to sleep followed by almost three hours of crying and what I'd like call toddler cursing. Couldn't figure out what he was saying but he was mad! So no nap that day, cranky kid in the afternoon and bedtime once again sans binky. He, again, cried for some time and I finally went in, picked him up and sat in the rocking chair with him. I sat there crying with him as he kept saying quietly between little sobs, "mama, beebee, pease, mama beebee, pease." Broke my heart but I stood, or sat firm, and rocked him to sleep. Tortuous first day. Yesterday was better, he is still asking for his binky, he only cried for about half an hour before falling asleep for a short nap and after a mild temper tantrum he fell asleep without it, on his own last night. We did have to go in and comfort him around 2am this morning but he went back to sleep until 9am. Thankfully, he went down relatively quickly this afternoon. He still threw a little fit, he threw everything out of his crib but I quickly went in tossed his blankets back into the crib and walked out. He fell asleep shortly after that. So I'm exhausted, my fuse is short and my housework is not getting done but the binky is no more. And you my friends and family got to hear my story because it makes me feel better to talk about fun times in the Johnson household.


Suz... said...

GIVE IT BACK, GIVE IT BACK!!!! No...I do respect your parenting's hard, isn't it? Brandon will be losing his at 2...that's the age that our "team parenting" has decided on. I'll let you know how that one goes. Good job sticking to your guns, momma!!!

M1 said...

Well, another passage. Good job, Sis. Hugs and kisses to you as well as my boys. Sweet dreams to my Ollie on all future bed times.

Anonymous said...

WHAT, NO BINKY! That's the only way I can get through the day, thank goodness I'm on the radio so no one can see!

Seriously, good job mom. I know it must have been rough, but as always you came through with flying colors.
