Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Noah's Field Trip

Noah's EXCEL class went on a field trip last Friday. They are studying architecture, design, engineering, etc. You know all the fun stuff that is right up Noah's alley. The field trip took them all over the Portland area, those kids and chaperones did a TON of walking that day. Their goal was to find, admire, explore and enjoy what this area has to offer up for examples to reinforce what they are learning. Portland did not disappoint! The Marshall House in Vancouver, St. John's Bridge, Convention Center, top of the Hilton Hotel, the old Meier & Frank building, the OHSU campus name just a few places they got to visit. Noah had my camera with him and took pictures of what caught his attention. I'm proud of his eye, he's practicing, learning, finding fun ways to convey what he sees. There are a lot of pictures in this post - enjoy! And if you have a minute, let Noah know which photo you like best. 
Marshall House Stained Glass

Marshall House Hinge

St. John's Bridge

Convention Center

Hawthorne Bridge


Red Brick

Brick Building


Columns, Cornices, etc.

From Top of Hilton

Another View From The Top

Dad stole the camera long enough to get a quick picture of my handsome young man.

Pioneer Courthouse Square

Art in The Nines

