Sunday, December 02, 2012

Vacation:Pier Fun

Took a little break from vacation blogging...but don't worry, I'm back. My blog has been spammed hard lately and it was and is irritating. I do have to give props to Google though, they have caught and dumped each and every spam comment into the appropriate location. I still have go in confirm that they are spam and delete fun at all. Over 400 spam comments were dealt with tonight.

Enough ranting, onto the fun stuff! A short walk down the beach from our condo was a pier. We walked around it, on top of it, under it and, of course, took pictures of it all. Once again, I've culled through the shots and narrowed it down to these:

Saw this beam/post under the pier and quickly looked around to make sure we hadn't just walked into a death trap. Luckily, it was the only on it's kind. Still, it was a bit disconcerting.

Watching the waves roll in, sound of it sure gets amplified while under the pier.

This pier is actually closed at night because there are hotel cabins on top!

Noah...always finding something to examine.

Makes me want to go back.

Oliver just digging to dig.

The boys watched this gentleman fish off the end of the pier. He caught this one while we were watching and added it to the bag that already had a few inside.

Photo opportunity!!

Thought I should get into a picture too.

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