Saturday, October 22, 2011

Punkin' Patch Pics 2011

There is a small local Pumpkin Patch (and farm/farm stand) here in Vancouver called, "Joe's Place Farm" that we visited today. We've gone there before so some of these pictures might look similar to those of the past but the boys, as you can see, are just a little bit taller. I've been noticing lately that it's getting harder and harder for me to keep up with the boys. They are getting bigger, faster and more independent so by the time I have my camera pointed at them and focused they are off and running.

Annual picture with the big witch.

This may be hard for those of you that know Oliver to believe this but he was goofing off and playing with the wheelbarrow. I know, I know, not like him at all!

Noah is getting older and more irritated with my need to photograph him all the time.

So I sneak pictures when he isn't looking...come on boy, that pumpkin isn't that big!

Oliver directing pumpkin laden wheelbarrow traffic.

Noah practicing his brooding in the corner of the hay tent.

Pretty little sunflowers all over around the grounds of the farm.

Dad took off to go pay for and load up the pumpkins so we were just hanging out chatting and waiting for him to return so we could head into the maze.

Boys joined in on the pow-wow in the maze!

They found their way to the fort lookout!

This fascinated me for some reason, it's like the leaves framed themselves.

My Noah

My Oliver


1 comment:

M1 said...

Great photos of your guys Sis!!