Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Boy and His Dog

Our dog, Buddy, was very sick over the past couple of days. We really didn't know if he was going to make it or not. Buddy laid in the yard for hours and I took a couple pictures of Noah out talking to him and petting him, doing his best to comfort his furry friend. Luckily, Buddy seems to be pulling out of it and making a recovery. To the best of our vet's knowledge they believe that Buddy had a stroke. Only time will tell if he will regain all of his motor skills. He is doing better today but still somewhat shaky and ragged looking. Noah was pretty emotional throughout the ordeal and did a good job of checking on Buddy and keeping him comfortable. I am very proud of him. I stayed strong for most of the day until Noah told Buddy that he shouldn't be afraid to die because he could play fetch with God and then when Noah got old and died he would see him again. It appears that God will have to wait on that game of fetch and Noah's happy that Buddy wants to stick around for a bit longer. Give your pets an extra treat from us tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a beautiful thing for Buddy, having his "Boy" by his side! I can think of no greater comfort than having someone sit quietly and stroke their loved one. You are a wonderful boy Noah!! Love, Auntie Cherie