Monday, November 19, 2007

"OH NO! Not Again!

Warning: Do not view the pictures if you are faint of heart or get queasy with ease...Shana.
Noah has some footed pajamas that he loves to wear. He had pulled his feet up out of the traction/no slip area and was "skating" around the house this morning while I was making his lunch for school. I heard a big thud then Noah shout, "OH NO! Not again!" Let me just add that he had also pulled his arms in so when he fell he could not stop himself at all. He came around the corner holding his chin and then I said, "Oh yes, you certainly did." He busted his chin open again and I immediately knew that we would be headed to the doctors for stitches. Luckily, Joel was able to come home and take him because I knew that Ollie would not sit quietly through that. Noah did great at the appointment and came out with six stitches which is one or two less than the last time this happened. If he keeps this up he will have as much scar tissue on his chin as his Uncle Ben! I also got to see a bit of myself in Noah this morning when I found him in the bathroom, pulling on the wound so that he could see the muscle and other tissue layers better. He then showed a bit of his father when he proceeded to tell me that it isn't the muscle that hurts because the nerve endings don't really go through them, it's all of the sensitive tissue around the muscle or getting to the muscle that causes the pain. Just what I need after a good adrenaline rush, an anatomy lesson. Anyway, like all good scrap booking mom's I had Joel take a few pictures for me...
The poor chin gets no respect!

Noah getting the stitches.

Six stitches and chin looking better!


Suz... said...

wow, he seemed to handle it all well! loved the anatomy lesson. does he have to stay home from school?

Johnson Family said...

He handled it great. Actually didn't even cry, just whined a little about having to get more stitches. He did go to school after he got his stitches and I'm sure, just like every other boy out there, showed them off proudly! His teacher emailed me to let me know that she was checking on him frequently and that he was getting annoyed with the attention. =)

M1 said...

OMG-are you sure that is not a picture of Ben? The one of him on the table getting stitched??
Maybe it is the, it really is the face, hair, ears!

Shana said...

Thanks for the warning! I even got a little queasy with the part about him pulling on it. I really need to toughen this stomach of mine up. Sheesh! I hope he is doing well, tell him we all say hello and we love him!

Anonymous said...

Noah, you're one brave and inquisitive guy! But seriously you really don't need to show us all how tough you are!
