Friday, November 30, 2007

Two More Years

Oliver is so disappointed every time big brother and dad leave for karate. He loves to go and mimic what the class is doing. However, he can also get loud and frustrated when he can't get on the mats and be out there with them so he often gets to stay home with mom. The other night, after they left, he noticed that Noah had not worn his karate uniform jacket so Oliver put it on instead. He practiced his draw palm and draw punch, did a few kicks and then asked for a glass of milk. Must of needed to refuel after such a tough workout. Oliver has to wait two more years before he can sign up for karate too, by then he should be well at the top of his class if he keeps watching and learning from Noah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ollie, you are so lucky to have a big brother rather than a big sister...Brandon has to resort to wearing a Cinderella dress if he wants to dress up...