Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Fearless Swimmer

This swim season is going to be a labor intensive one. Oliver really has no fear of climbing right into a pool. Even at Christie's the other day he would just walk up to the edge and then walk right into the pool. I thought that when Noah was young he was a water bug but I guess I was wrong. Okay maybe Noah is the water bug and I just haven't found Oliver's fish gills yet! So far, if I keep the back door locked, he can't get out unless I'm with him. I try not to let him see me unlocking the door because I fear that he will figure out how it all works! On a different note, I was at the grocery store a while ago and I realized that the smells of summer have changed. I remember a lot more coconutty, lemonade and fresh melon smells. Now as you walk through the stores, parks, etc. all you smell is sunscreen! That's how I know summer has officially started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ollie- you definitely seems to be more fish than boy...