Phew, party is over, the house is clean and Oliver is passed out in the playroom all snuggled into his sleeping bag. The party went well and Oliver had a great time. It got a bit crazy with all the kids running around being kids but the birthday boy loved the chaos especially when he was right in the middle of it all. Thanks to all of you that came and made the boy's day and we missed those of you that weren't able to be here.
Diego cake made by Gammy.
Once my mom told Oliver that she was making the cake I was given daily reminders that I was NOT to make the cake.
Gammy also made him his special
white cake.
He did let Gammy, with his help, put "Happy Birthday Oliver" on the cake in yellow.
He picked out these funky candles first and when they didn't blow out with the first puff he didn't want to try again. He asked Noah for help and big brother was happy to oblige.
This picture is just interesting to me. The candles appear to be in the ice cream instead of on his cake, Oliver is in focus but crazy Jackson and Noah are goofing off and all blurry in the background.
Oliver helped me to cut his piece of cake.
After he decided he didn't like the curly candles I put the blue ones on, lit them and he gladly blew those out. Those are the ones that we had been practicing with all week.
Thumbs up and ready for presents.
Diego Sea Glider from Noah G. - score!
The bag says, "Picked out especially for you!"
Oliver thought the picture was hilarious!
Presents are done and they get a TWO thumbs up!
Noah helping Oliver with his new truck from Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Lavelle.