Thursday, September 20, 2007


Noah started Karate and he loves it! Turns out the class teaches much more than just Karate. Mr. K is also teaching them a lot about "stranger danger" in a manner that gets the point across much better than just talking to them. He does it in a way that makes sense, is fun and doesn't scare them. Noah has just three simple rules to follow while in class:
1) Karate is for self-defense ONLY,
2) There is NO excuse for bad manners and
3) No whining
Of course there are other codes of conduct and expectations but these are the three biggies. Joel is so excited about the class he wants to join and learn too. I say go for it. When Joel and Noah get home from class they show me what "they" have learned and so he isn't left out, Oliver joins right in and mimics the poses and steps.


Suz... said...

glad your oldest two boys are enjoying karate!! Noah looks so big in this picture...and his form is stellar!!

Anonymous said...

It's Karate Kid and Karate Kid II! How much fun are they going to have???