Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Brotherly Glove

So summer has begun which means that my boys are spending a lot more time together (whether they like it or not). They have been having a ton of fun together but they've also been fighting to the point of driving me crazy. I couldn't take it anymore today and finally had enough of the bickering, so I turned to what every good parent turns to - the Wii! I loaded up Wii Sports and set them up to box it out. Body blows, upper cuts, cheap shots, round houses, I didn't care, just get it out of your systems. Turns out that it worked pretty well and there are no bloody or broken noses or bodily harm done. Not to mention both boys got some exercise because both were tired, sweating and breathing heavy by the end of a few rounds!

Punching fast and furious!
One of them just landed a punch!


Anonymous said...

This is great. I should try it with my kids. I love the look of determination and joy on their faces!


Suz... said...

Ollie looks so happy to be playing w/ his brother! I like the tv.

Wrights13 said...

This is one of Jessica's favorites. She has beat everyone since she is SO unpredictable. This is a great way to work out some frustration... I'm surprised that you didn't join the fun too. :)

Shana said...

FYI-this is great marriage counseling also! HEHE!