Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin Carving & Painting

We have a ton of those pumpkin carving kits but Noah decided to design his own this year. Then he did the bulk of the carving while Joel did the tiny, more detailed, areas.

Joel and Noah discussing the finer points of pumpkin carving while Oliver completely ignores them for his friend Elmo.

Oliver painting his pumpkin, he was going for the add as many colors to the front as I can look. I think he accomplished this quite nicely.

Okay, this is Noah's painted pumpkin. I know he has a great imagination but sometimes the kid really surprises me. This is what Noah said when I asked what he was painting.

"The black is the color of the sky and the darkness that surrounds the evil. The purple shows the portal that blood sucking vampires, like Dracula, come through when they want to enter our world. And the white is the clouds that curl away from the darkness and portal. That way the clouds make a good frame for my painting."

Noah's design is of, "An alien that died but not quite because the vampires got to him so he's alive again but not really. That is why he has blood dripping from his teeth because he had to drink blood to continue in the ways of the vampire." Are you seeing a theme for this Halloween yet?

Joel's ware wolf peaking through the curtains.


Suz... said...

cool pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

Great job, guys! Your pumpkins look amazing...

Amy said...

Love the father sons pic.
And boy oh boy is Noah ever creative & soooo mature sounding for his age. Love your blog Tiff. Beautiful family you have!